Innovative digital strategies
The Kunsthalle is exploring new fields of activity and impact with an innovative digital strategy
How can art be experienced and perpetuated in a digitalised world? The digital strategy of Kunsthalle Mannheim provides answers to this question. The Kunsthalle accompanies its exhibitions with tailor-made digital offers and enables visitors to participate on an active level.
The "Collection online" database is the cornerstone of our digital strategy. Since 2015, the team of scientists at Kunsthalle Mannheim has been working on the successive digitisation and necessary textual preparation of the collection's holdings of paintings, sculpture and graphic art.
Kunsthalle Mannheim’s app is a multimedia companion to the Kunsthalle featuring guided tours and information about exhibitions, works and events. Just a few clicks enable users to access in-depth content and additional formats relating to the individual works. Complementing this, the Collection Wall in the atrium presents the Kunsthalle's growing digital collection holdings. This visualisation invites visitors to become active: Images can be moved and selected manually. At the Graphic Arts Table, the Kunsthalle's collection of graphic artworks can be explored digitally.
Since February 2020, in the project "From Work to Display", Kunsthalle Mannheim and Kunstmuseum Stuttgart have been jointly exploring ways to create an innovative, tailor-made communication format for each of 32 selected artworks from the collections of both museums.