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Bernard Schultze invented the word »Migof« to describe a group of works whose bizarre forms are reminiscent of chimera: part plant, part insect, and part human. Beginning with abstract relief pictures in the 1950s, the artist’s »Migof«” figures soon expanded into the exhibition space.
Applying scraps of cloth soaked in clay onto wire skeletons, which he subsequently painted, Schultze created bizarre figures within which contradictions coexist: growth and decay, flowering and dissolution, vitality and mutation. The »Migof« sculptures, which grew into groups of figures and environments in the 1970s, cannot be categorized according to a specific genre.
Half sculpture, half painting, »Podhead Migof« also lives from this ambiguous openness. Having started out as a painter of Art Informel—an abstract art movement after World War II—Schultze developed an independent form of pictorial expression with his »Migof« series, uniting fantasy and the subconscious in a surreal manner.
Kunsthalle Mannheim