A wide range of support options
There is a long tradition of civic commitment to Kunsthalle Mannheim. The Kunsthalle is also dependent on sustained support for future exhibitions with international loans, the expansion of the collection, and a lively cultural education programme.
Donations and Sponsoring
We are very grateful for donations from private individuals as well as businesses. Please send these to:
Stiftung Kunsthalle Mannheim
Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord
IBAN: DE66 6705 0505 0000 0018 21
You will of course be sent a receipt with which you can claim your donation against tax. As a company, you can also support the Kunsthalle as a sponsor - for example, specifically for special exhibitions, our digital strategy or via project-related commitment in the field of art education. We are happy to explain the various possibilities of cooperation in a personal conversation.
Theresa Krukies
Fundraising / Development
+49 621 293 6283
Engagement der Hector-Stiftungen
With their generous donation of €50 million, Hans-Werner Hector and his wife Josephine made it possible to construct the new museum building, which opened on Friedrichsplatz in 2018. The building bears their name in recognition of their patronage.The H.W & J. Hector Foundation also uses its funds to support exhibitions and artist projects. Every three years, together with the Kunsthalle Mannheim, it awards the Hector Prize for Contemporary Art in Germany. The 2019 award went to Hiwa K.
The Hector Foundation II Kunst gGmbH spearheaded and financed the site-specific light installation “Split Decision” by James Turrell. The work of the American light-art pioneer in the former Athena corridor transforms the passageway between the art nouveau building and the new building into an unforgettable perceptual experience. We are profoundly grateful to the Hectors and their foundations for supporting our institution for many years.
The expressed goal of the Förderkreis für die Kunsthalle Mannheim e. V. (Circle of Friends) is a continual expansion of the Kunsthalle's collection. Thanks to its members, the Förderkreis has been able to acquire around 260 works of art so far, which it makes available to the Kunsthalle on permanent loan. In addition, the Förderkreis supports the Kunsthalle with its scientific projects and publications as well as its art education activities. Members benefit from free admission to the Kunsthalle, exclusive previews of exhibitions, special guided tours, lectures and art trips, among other things.
Anne-Sophie Treiber
+49 621 293 6411
Office hours:
Mo. und Mi. 14-16 Uhr
Di. und Do. 10-12 Uhr
The ARTGENOSSEN is the right place to go for art enthusiasts aged between 18 and 35. This group focuses on the link between young people and the Kunsthalle.
Anne-Sophie Treiber
Imke Koch
Around 2,300 paintings, 860 sculptures and installations, 34,000 graphic artworks and 800 objects of applied art - the current holdings of the Kunsthalle Mannheim collection are quite extensive. To ensure that these art treasures are preserved for future generations, elaborate and cost-intensive restorations are necessary.
That is why the Kunsthalle, together with the Förderkreis für die Kunsthalle Mannheim e. V., launched the BildPaten (Picture Patrons) project in 2009; to finance urgently needed restoration work through private donations. So far, thanks to this support, around 40 paintings, several sculptures and graphic artworks as well as around 60 frames have been restored at a cost of over 300,000 euros. Nevertheless, many other works are still waiting for conservation treatment.
You can find more information in our flyer. The work lists indicate the paintings, sculptures, frames or graphic artworks currently looking for a patron.
Dr. Inge Herold
Deputy Director
+49 621 293 6437