Nigel Hall

(* 1943)

Slow Motion

500,00 cm x 424,00 cm x 303,00 cm
Exhibition Room

Öffentlicher Raum > Skulpturenplatz Kunsthalle Mannheim


The free-standing steel sculpture »Slow Motion« from the British sculptor Nigel Hall towers over visitors at an impressive height of five meters. Nevertheless, it surprises with its lightness and liveliness—interspaces and gaps appear to negate its monumental size and the real weight of the material. Instead of a compact volume we are confronted with an open, white line structure. It limits and shapes the space, which the sculpture penetrates and occupies.

The work’s composition is melded from round formal elements arranged rhythmically-dynamically, setting different directional accents, Generating the impression of movement in slow motion. Here Hall illustrates the human experience of time and speed. However, it is not just the work »Slow Motion« which is dynamized, with visitors actively circling the sculpture in order to grasp its dimensions. By integrating space as the central design element, Hall’s outside sculptures are always site-specific and question our perception of reality and ideas of nature.

On loan from the Friends of the Kunsthalle Mannheim e.V. since 2008; acquired with funds from the Wilhelm Müller Foundation

© Nigel Hall

Kunsthalle Mannheim / Rainer Diehl

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