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Ossip Zadkine


Forêt humaine II

Menschenwald II
Human Forest II
63,80 cm x 38,50 cm x 25,00 cm
Exhibition Room

Hector-Bau > Ebene 2 > Schaudepot


In »Human Forest II«, fingers become branches, bodies become trunks, and humans trees. Individual body parts can be vaguely discerned, however the dense group of figures looks like a conglomeration that is both human and vegetable.

Ossip Zadkine, born in today’s Belorussia, moved to Paris in 1909 and soon became a member of the Cubist avant-garde. In many of his later works he explored the metamorphosis of man and plant, whereby he was especially interested in the transformation of man and tree. Zadkine understood this transformation as a metaphor for newly burgeoning life, which acquires a special meaning against the background of World War II.

Although his creations bear a resemblance to Max Ernst’s (1891–1976) wall paintings, the forest was a positive emotional point of reference for Zadkine. Their natural power also finds expression in this bronze sculpture. Between 1948 and 1963 Zadkine produced four versions of this »Human Forest«.

© VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018

Kunsthalle Mannheim / Cem Yücetas

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