Liebermann, Slevogt, Corinth

Graphic and Drawing
Liebermann, Slevogt, Corinth

Max Liebermann, Max Slevogt and Lovis Corinth are among the most important German Impressionists. With around 150 works, their drawings and prints form an important focal point in the graphic arts collection of the Kunsthalle Mannheim. This impressive collection of the three masters is also a testimony to the progressive and far-sighted collection and acquisition policy, especially of the director Fritz Wichert, who, after the foundation of the museum, paid special attention to the art of the French as well as the German Impressionists. The exhibition will not only feature depictions of people in the landscape, sketched with a light hand and often in nature, as well as Max Liebermann's depictions of genre, as well as Lovis Corinth's thematically wide-ranging picture series, but also the depictions of "The Magic Flute" by Max Slevogt, which are present in the collection both in the watercolor studies and in the etching cycle of the subject.

Curator: Dr. Thomas Köllhofer

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